Friday, October 17, 2008

Tagged! Who? Me?

Our grandson, Trevor, tagged me, so here we go. Thanks Trev. Watch your back.

1. I always wanted to be in a Broadway show. In fact, when I had to write about my biggest dream in high school English, that's what I wrote about. I would still love it, although playwrights don't write too many parts for, um, mature chicks.

2. I love to cook and bake for my family. The best thing I can think of is to have everyone come home for the weekend and bake enough cookies, cake, and bread and cook enough Italian food for all of them to eat their fill and take a bunch home.

3. I really love books and I really, really love cookbooks. I have about 200 of them. I love to read them, just like a Grisham novel. I usually cook at least one recipe out of each one to justify having them.

4. I dream about chocolate. Not chocolate cake, or chocolate chip cookies, just chocolate. Preferably Guitard chocolate. Cookies and cake are a waste of good flour and sugar. Just bring on the chocolate.

5. Neil Diamond was my first love. My husband just had to get used to it. I still play all of his music--the old stuff, the new stuff, the Broadway covers, whatever. My children and I danced to all of the golden oldies while they were growing up and they all probably knew his songs before they were born. I think Miriam's first words were Sweet Caroline. In view of the last three thoughts, when it comes time for me to shuck off this mortal coil (in about 42 more years), I want to be dipped in chocolate and buried in the basement of a Barnes and Nobel with Neil Diamond music piped into my crypt. Forget such pretenses as eternal flames, just pipe in Neil's golden tones.

6. I love to take long, hot bubble baths and read in the bathtub. I have books and magazines in the bathroom just for that purpose. It's another justification for all those books I keep buying.

Okay. Now I tag Josh and Kacy because they always have something fun to say. Besides, they need to get their blog started and join the fun.

1 comment:

The Horton Family said...

I LOVE IT!!!!! So totally excited to see you join the obsession we all can't get enough of!! I loved your post! I was laughing out loud the whole time - piping Neil's golden tunes into your crypt... Oh man mom, you rock! Funny, funny! Love you!